The Safest Traveler
Is The Well-Informed Traveler
Our Story
A bus driver speeds down the wrong lane of an ill-maintained, narrow road with a sharp curve and no guard rail. The road has long been on a government list of high crash sites in need of repair. The bus hits oncoming traffic and plunges down a deep ravine. Twenty-three people are killed, including Aron Sobel, a 25-year old medical student, two weeks before his graduation. He was volunteering at a hospital and then traveling in Turkey.
Aron died in 1995, but stories like his continue to occur daily, devastating families and communities.

The Issue
Everyday, 3,700 die on the roads of the world.

ASIRT, the Association for Safe International Road Travel, envisions a world in which no one dies or sustains life-altering injuries on the roads.

ASIRT’s mission is to improve the safety of travelers on the world’s roads through education and advocacy.
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The island archipelago that makes up the nation of Vanuatu lies east of Australia. Among the many cultural traditions inherent in island society is the ingestion of a botanical drink called “kava.” Dating back more than 3,000 years, the ritual drinking of kava has been important for both medicinal purposes, and as a ceremonial drink used in celebrations. Once reserved for men with positions of high rank, kava is now available to tourists at kava bars called “nakamals,” and may even be found in hotels. Not all establishments offering kava allow women to enter, and visitors should be cautious. Prepared kava drinks are unregulated and can produce intoxicating effects that can impair both drivers and pedestrians. Many car rental agreements specifically prohibit drivers from consuming either alcohol or kava.
ASIRT offers Road Safety Reviews for Vanuatu and more than 100 other countries. If you are planning a trip, consult an ASIRT Road Safety Review for your destination countries.